  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
  • 5in1 - 水晶實驗組
5in1 - 水晶實驗組



自種的水晶是用高溫飽和溶液 (所以水晶粉都需要用熱水完全溶解),在降溫加上水份蒸發作用的過程中,慢慢形成結晶分子,不斷的被吸附到晶種上,晶種漸漸長大,形成所謂的結晶。將原本費時數年才能形成的結晶體,在短時間內迅速成行。




老鷹的家有限公司自有品牌「益科思Eagle's」專門販售兒童科學教育玩具,所有產品皆為台灣製造made in Taiwan ,皆有通過歐盟相關玩具檢驗及美國STEM.org的認證,符合STEM教育精神以及高品質的安全穩定度,絕對安心!!

We are a company based in Taiwan, specialize in educational, craft, science experiment toys and kits. All products are made in Taiwan, and have STEM certification. Our goal is to help children to be interested: to know “why”, to learn by “doing” and “seeing”, to want to “do again”, to use different ways to “have fun in science experiment”. Those are the keys for children to wanting to learn more instead of just reading and memorizing from the books. The wow and magic factors when doing experiment brings out the laugh and smile, even if they do not know the theory behind. Science is in everyday’ s life.